Company Concept, Philosophy, Mission, Vision and Values

Fujiarte is a pioneering industrial outsourcing company with over 60 years’ experience in the Japanese market.

Founded in 1962, the company has 34 branches, 1 recruitment center and 7 training centers throughout Japan, as well as an agency in São Paulo.

With more than 10,000 employees, Fujiarte stands out for its excellence and for all the certificates that prove its commitment to quality.

Specializing in connecting talent with large companies in a variety of sectors, Fujiarte focuses on providing quality support and tailor-made solutions for clients and employees. We operate in a variety of areas, including manufacturing, electronics, automotive, among others, with the aim of strengthening the competitiveness of our partners and offering growth opportunities for our employees.


We guarantee a partnership of trust and commitment, acting as an extension of your operations and providing qualified labor to meet market demands. 

We serve a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, electronics, automotive, and more, with a focus on supporting our partners’ growth and competitiveness.


Especially for foreign professionals who want to build a career in Japan, we provide an inclusive working environment and comprehensive support.

We offer assistance at every stage of the process, from hiring to cultural and professional adaptation, with the aim of facilitating the integration and success of each employee.

Our Philosophy

Seeking happiness for both parties, both materially and spiritually, for all employees, and contributing to the realization of a prosperous society and people around the world.

What we aim for with “Pursuing happiness for both parties, both materially and spiritually, for all employees” means that the people gathered at FUJIARTE, including all work-related employees, seek financial stability and a high standard of living, as well as enthusiasm for their work. On this journey of life, they should always strive to achieve a better state of mind.

Precisely speaking, the value aspect of “Happiness” varies from person to person. However, the desire to live a meaningful and fulfilling life is a feeling that everyone has. The greatest happiness for a human being is to be able to do things that make others happy and grateful. To achieve this through work, you need to have the heart and desire to be useful to people, to want them to feel satisfied. With this sense of dedication, you can grow by elevating your character and human nature.

Through its business activities, FUJIARTE contributes to the creation of a society in which people all over the world can live in abundance, generating many jobs, supporting business and human growth and maintaining healthy management with ethical practices.

FUJIARTE’s Management Principle is the universal concept we strive for, the ideology for realizing an abundant and happy society.

kawan suits


Contribute to society by providing human resources services

In keeping with the spirit of our foundation, which is to "cherish our employees and customers with an eye to the workplace", we seek through our activities to support the growth and development of the industry (MONODUKURI) that has sustained Japan's economy, as well as to promote job creation and the training of professionals. Providing a place to work, preparing a favorable environment where professionals can develop their skills to the fullest. Offering value-added services to improve productivity for clients. Valuing the connection between people and striving to build a strong bond of trust. Through these pillars, People and Companies, we believe we can contribute to society as a whole.


Being the Best Partner in Supporting Business Strategies

As pioneers in the field of production outsourcing, and based on more than 50 years of experience, we use our unique know-how to increase productivity through in-depth industry analysis and constant quality control activities to continue to provide service solutions tailored to our clients' business strategies. In addition, with regard to the Globalization of Japanese manufacturers, we aim to be the No. 1 Global Solution Company, and to help our Clients implement and disseminate Japanese high quality in foreign markets as well. We will support our Clients' Global Business Strategies in the field of Industrial Outsourcing.


Customer Confidence and Employee Personal Fulfillment

Offering additional value to customers is not just limited to the "workforce". To support manufacturing in Japan with exceptional technology and quality, our specialized productivity improvement teams will also propose improvement activities, such as revisions to work processes. In addition, we distribute our Philosophy book summarizing FUJIARTE's action guidelines to all employees, measuring efforts to improve the capacity and human growth of each worker. We carefully consider CS (Customer Satisfaction) and ES (Employee Satisfaction) and have been striving to create a work environment where employees feel pleasure, along with a complete support system, so that our Customers can also be satisfied.

Brand Message

People prosper. The future is transformed.

Fujiarte remains unchanged.

This is the founding spirit of “providing opportunities for people to excel and offering superior technical skills to companies”.

A pleasant environment stimulates the skills and human qualities of workers, becoming a force for corporate growth.

Fujiarte continues to evolve.

This is to respond to the increasingly complex needs of companies over time and offer valuable services that lead to problem-solving.

Towards the realization of a rich society, where diverse talents shine through, regardless of age or nationality.

Believing in the unlimited potential of people, Fujiarte is challenging the future.

Certificates of Excellence

They recognize Fujiarte ‘s commitment to quality and excellence. These certificates highlight our high standards and our dedication to continued success.

Founded in 1962, a pioneering industry leader

The “Fuji” in “Fujiarte” embodies the aspiration to reach the pinnacle of the outsourcing sector, just like Mount Fuji, Japan’s highest mountain. In addition, the term “Art” is a coined word derived from the French word “Artère” and the Italian word “Arteria”, both meaning “artery”.

The name was chosen with the intention of valuing the warm connections between people, not just a network that connects people, but something that is important and indispensable for people’s arteries. At the same time, Arte means “technology or art” in Portuguese.

This also includes our intention to use and further improve the technical knowledge we have cultivated so far. Fujiarte ‘s goal is to be a company that is useful to the world, a company that is engraved in the hearts of the people who work there, and not a company that is a means of making a profit.

Corporate logo

The “f” in the logo stands for “strong”, symbolizing strength that projects powerfully upwards and to the right. The color red represents the passion of the team, who dedicate themselves body and soul to the development of the company.

Mascot Fujiarte – Charute

Charute is a character with a challenging personality, but also a playful side. His name is a combination of “defiant spirit” and the company name “Fujiarte”.

A Empresa Fujiarte Co. Ltd
(Elaborado em 28 de Fevereiro de 2023)
Diretor-Presidente Hirao Takashi

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